Friday, December 2, 2011

Heyyyyyy... Macaroni!

There was an assembly today. Spencer "Spinny" Johnson, formerly of the Harlem Globetrotters, entertained the kiddos with basketball tricks and tips on getting the most out of their education. The assembly called for a lot of viewer participation, with students volunteering and volunteered staff. At one point I was called up to lead a group of students in some dance moves. For lack of any better idea, I busted out a '90s dance that some of us might fondly recall.

Conversation with two students, post-assembly:

Student 1: "Ms. Dudley, I loved that you did the Macaroni dance!"

Student 2: "If I were a teacher, I would've done the Macaroni, too."

I must say, I bust out a mean (and inspirational!) Macaroni.

Feeling less than inspired? Here ya go, thank me later:

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